Monday, September 8, 2008

Assignment 3 - Done

My study area is on the ice caps. My poster is to let people realize how serious and how fast the ice caps melting. They should know what will happen if no more ice caps left on the earth. Arctic ice melting is much faster than we are thought. It causing sea level increase and many more nature disease which is harmful to living and non-living things.

In my poster, i remain the iceberg on my assignment 2 because it is the most important message what i want to deliver to everyone. The ice caps is melting and floating on the sea. I draw the ice caps floating on the sea and many small part of the ice caps separate out of the bigger ice caps is to show the melting of ice caps. Other than that, I also draw a sun by using flare tool and put the hot gradient on the sky. With the colour of the sky, it show that the ice caps is melting. High temperature cause the big iceberg melting and many small parts of the iceberg dispersed from each other.

The poster title name "Save The Ice Caps Before They're Gone" is a strong message to let people really pay attention to this issue. Ice caps melting is a very common issue but how many people really care about it? Global warming cause the temperature increasing rapidly, affect ice caps melting and affect everything in this world, our earth gone badly in just few years..

So, are you watching closely what are happen now and what suppose we do? The future of earth is depend on what we doing now.....Do something before it is too late.....

Assignment 3 Step

Step 1 :
I use rectangle tool draw a rectangle shape. Then use gradiant colour to get the hot colour background and set the gradient angle with 60 degree.

Step 2 :
Then, i draw another rectangle with rectangle tool and use gradient colour to get the sea colour. After that, select the gradient sea, next select effect, then select distort, and choose ocean ripple effect. Then the sea will got the effect of ocean ripple.

Step 3 :
I use ctrl+3 to hide the background. Then, use pen tool draw the small small melting part of the ice caps. After finish draw, i use gradient colour to colour the melting ice caps. I apply different gradient colour and adjust tranparencey on some of the melting ice caps.

Step 4 :
I rearrange all the small melting ice caps and press ctrl+alt+3 to get back the hidden background.

Step 5 :
Then, copy the iceberg from my assignment 2 and place it at the middle.

Step 6 :
I use brush tool draw a line and go to effect select the blur effect, choose gaussian blur and apply on that line. Then, adjust the line by using direct selection tool.

Step 7 :
After adjust the line, i place it at the bottom of the biggest ice caps. Then, i use type tool to write the word and adjust the size of the word.

Step 8 :
After that, i change the colour of the word to white colour.

Step 9 :
I arrange the word at the middle and right bottom. After that, i select flare tool to draw the sun and put it on the right top.

Step 10 :
Then i take my symbol put in illustrator and adjust it.

Step 11 :
I select all and grop them together.

Step 12 :
I use rectangle tool to draw a A3 rectangle to cover my poster.

Step 13 :
Select all, then right click, choose make clipping mask. Then the things outside the A3 will disappear.
Step 14 :

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Project Chapter

Assignment 3 Title : Save The Ice Caps Before They' re Gone
Project Start Date : August 19, 2008
Projected Finish Date : September 9, 2008
Project Manager : Chuah Wei Heng
HP : 0164849266
Email :

Project Objectives:

My area in on the ice caps. My assignment is to let people realize that our ice caps melting problem is getting serious because of global warming. They should realize the dangerous and how serious the melting of the ice caps. My assignment 1 and 2 is about the melting of ice caps and iceberg. What i am going to draw in my assignment 3 is the ice caps melting and floating on the sea. I draw the ice caps floating on the sea and small small part of the ice caps separate out of the bigger ice caps. Other than that, I will also draw a sun in assignment 3 by using effect. Then i will use hot colour on the sky. My assignment 3 is almost look the same with my assignment 2 which is a iceberg floating on the sea. So, i will just do what i have plan to do.That is the things will appear in my assignment 3.


I will use pen tool to draw my ice caps and the melting part of the ice caps on my assignment 3, it need a lot of time to draw with pen tool in illustrator.

After that, i will use gradient colour in my assignment 3 on the sky and sea. The gradient colour will use more because the colour mix up is very nice and attracting.

I will also use some effects on some area in my assignment 3, like blur effect. Paintbrush tool is also will be use in my assignment 3. I will also add effect on the sea.

Roles and Responsibilities:

- I sketch the image before i start my project.
- I will use pen tool to draw my ice caps.
- Adjust again the shape of the ice caps and modify it.
- Colour my assgiment inside the illustrator.
- Adjust again colour and try with other colour that suitable for the assigment 3.
- Write My name, Id, and so on. Describe what my assignment about and the colour choose.
- Print out in A4 size paper.
- Adjust and print out my assignment with A3 size.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Assignment 2 Finish

Title : The Floating Iceberg

Global warming cause the temperature increasing rapidly and affect everything in this world. Iceberg floating on the sea is also because of global warming. High temperature make the big iceberg melting and some of the iceberg dispersed from each other. That is the reason why got iceberg floating on the sea. Floating iceberg also will cause dangerous to ships.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Step Of Making

Step 1 :
I move my reference picture to illustrator. Then I live trace the iceberg in the picture to my illustrator.

Step 2 :
I use pen tool to draw the shape of iceberg. The size and the shape of each iceberg is difference.

Step 3 :
I put gradient colour into each iceberg.

Step 4 :
Then I change the opacity of the iceberg which is live trace from the picture to 40%.

Step 5 :
After that, I overlap the live trace iceberg with my own iceberg drawing.

Step 6:
I use brush tool to draw a line for the sea and make the line of the sea look blur.

Step 7 :
I use rectangle tool to draw my sea. After the drawing, i use gradient colour and gradient tool to put on the colour of the sea.

Step 8 :
After finish the colour the sea, then i use again the rectangle tool to draw my sky. After that i use gradient colour to colour the sky.

Step 9 :
After I colour the sky and the sea. I decide to add shadow of the floating iceberg. So, i reflect the iceberg and make the shodow of the iceberg longer a little bit. I also change the opacity of the shadow. After this all, I adjust the shape of the iceberg again and group all of of the point. This is my work of assignment 2.


I going to draw a iceberg floating on the sea....

My References

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My FinaL SymboL

Cry Of Ice Caps

Meaning Of Title
No one can understand. They are suffering! This pain is like stabing them deeply, carved a wound into thier heart. They also might shed tears.
Meaning Of Symbol
My symbol is mix up with fire, ice berg, water and wave. The meaning or the message of my symbol is want to tell about global warming on ice caps melting. Increasing temperature in our earth cause ice caps melting. Because of that, animals at north pole and south pole is facing the problem of extinction because they lost their habitats. Other than that, it also want to make people realize that global warming is getting serious and serious if we still do not take any action to solve it and prevent it. So, start from now we should take care of our earth before it is too late and this could all disappear.

Shape of the fire represent temperature increasing.

Shape of the ice berg, i put below the shape of the fire mean that the temperature is increasing and cause the ice melting.

Shape of the wave, actually is the water that melt from the ice berg. The reason I draw the water become like wave is try to make the water look calmness and angry. It give the message that not satisfy with all what human do which is harmful to environment and cause ice melting.

Shape of a drop of water, is mean that ice melting make the sea level increasing, water have no way to go until it full enough and flow out that will cause flood.

Colour of the fire, i use gradient colour which is mix with red ,orange and yellow. It represent hot and harmful.

Colour of the ice berg, i use gradient colour which is mix with white and light blue to give the original colour of ice berg. It also represent the mean sacred, pure and clean, but because of global warming, now already become less and less.

Colour of the wave and water, i use the colour deep blue mix with a little of light blue to make it look like wave colour. When got storm rain at the ocean, the wave seem like out of control and the colour of wave is always look dark and deep blue, it give the message angry and not satisfy. The water that drop out i use light blue mix with a little white to show the purity of water which is before global warming.

Step Of Making My SymboL

Step 9
At the last, i adjust all the colour again. Out line of the shape and other else. In order to make it look better.I use warp tool adjust all the shape of the symbol. This is my final view of my symbol.Step 8
After that, i use gradient colour to colour my symbol. I also bring some object to infont, for example fire.Step 7
I combine all the shape by using selection tool. This is the view of my symbol.Step 6
Then, i use pen tool to draw a drop of water flow out from the wave and adjust the shape of the water.
Step 5
I use pen tool to draw the shape of the water that accumulated at the bottom.Step 4
After that, use pen tool draw the water that is melt from the ice berg of the top. I draw the water look like wave because i try to make the water look angry and calmness. The shape of wave is finish.Step 3
I put some line on the ice berg to make it got some shape or figure that similar like ice berg. And here i finish my ice berg drawing by using pen tool.Step 2
Then i draw the shape of the ice berg by using pen tool, i adjust it to make the ice berg look like the ice berg that i sketch.Step 1
First, I move my sketch to illustrator cs3, then i use pen tool to draw the shape of the fire by following my sketch. After that, i adjust my drawing by using pen tool until get the shape of the fire

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Final Sketch For My SymboL

This is my final sketch for my symbol...Round shape represent earth, the fire at the top is represent high temperature and make the ice berg melting..The water flow to the btm of the earth and i make the water look like wave because it more surge and represent angry.. After that water flow out from the earth mean that Ice in our earth is disappearing...Global Warming Is Getting Serious!!!

My Semi Sketch...

I mix up all the fire, ice berg,earth shape and water to make it look like a symbol..But i still wan modify it to make it look more nice...

Early Sketch For Melting Of The Ice Caps

This is my early sketch for my topic. Inside got ice berg, ice, water, earth and fire....

My Reference For My SymboL

All the pictures above is my reference foy my symbol, which is wave, earth, water, fire and ice berg. Later i will put my sketch on blog. Please be wait...Zzz...